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Large Regional Factory - Multi-National Food Manufacturer

Topps Australia were approached by a multi-national food manufacturer who have experience rapid growth in the last 5 years. The factory is around 30 years old and had been having ongoing problems with roof leaks over the last 8 years with the problem becoming gradually worse.


Having tried a range of water-based acrylic products in the past which had cracked and caused other issues such as water banking and high levels of absorption which created additional leakage problems.  In an attempt to stop some of the worst leaks parts of the roof had been re-sheeted but this still did not fix the problem.

Another very important factor was that if the entire roof had to be replaced then most certainly factory operations would have had to cease for the duration of the project.  The Topps solution was to trial an area of 1000 m2 and coat it with our Topps Seal 100% rubber membrane.


Preparation of the roof was vital in making sure that our product was applied correctly. All other water based acrylic products that had been applied to the existing roof had to be removed. Once this was completed, the area was pressured cleaned before starting the Topps installation.


  • The first step was to apply Topps Seam and Rivet Guard to all overlapping seams and small penetrations.  Larger gaps and penetrations received our heavy grade Polyprene roof cement which also had to be formed around each HVAC unit, fixings and extrusions.

  • The second step was to replace any roofing screws that were missing or not fitted correctly. Once complete we then tightened every existing screw and then the application of Topps Seam and Rivet Guard to every fixing screw over the 1000m2 surface. The roof was then left to set over a 36 hour period.

  • The final step included the application of our first coat of Topps Seal which was sprayed onto the surface. After drying, the second finish coat was applied.

The result has been that there are no water leaks over the 1000m2 area prepared and sealed with Topps Products. An additional benefit has been a significant reduction in roof surface temperatures.  Measurements were taken from both coated and un-coated sections of roof.  Uncoated areas of roof reachhed 43 degrees celsius whereas areas coated with Topps Seal reached only 26 degrees celsius - a reduction of 17 degrees celcius that significantly reduced the heat load and cooling costs in the factory below.




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